News on Aging & Financial Health
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How to find balance and get your retirement plan back on track
Jul 13, 2018 - These steps can help families prepare for retirement.
Federal Court and the U.S Attorney’s Office warn citizens about ongoing jury scams
Jul 11, 2018 - The U.S. District Court issues warning of a scam in which citizens are called and threatened with arrest for missing jury duty, unless they provide pre-paid gift cards.
What Generation X needs to focus on to retire successfully
Jul 09, 2018 -
Generation X, also known as the Sandwich Generation, face unique retirement challenges while caring for both their parents and children.
He Called Older Employees ‘Dead Wood.’ Two Sued for Age Discrimination.
Jul 06, 2018 - Age is not often listed as a prohibited form of discrimination, despite the law.
Medicare, other scams on the rise
Jul 05, 2018 - Financial scams targeting senior citizen victims, labeled "The Crime of the 21st Century", continue to grow.
Bank restores funds stolen from oldest living veteran's account
Jul 04, 2018 - Money stolen from bank account of America's oldest living veteran credited back by Bank of America as investigation into theft continues.